High Voltage Business Builders

Ranking with TikTok on Amazon: The Fundamentals of Success

Episode Summary

Joining me today is my good friend, Paul Harvey. And he's here to share with us genius marketing tricks, specifically focused on TikTok, to boost your Amazon sales. Tune in to find out!

Episode Notes

👉 If you want to learn more about TikTok, social media, influencer marketing, and Amazon FBA, visit http://voltageb2b.com to get in touch now. 

My guest today is Paul Harvey. He’s here to share with us TikTok, influencer, and social media marketing tips, specifically its application to Amazon FBA channels.

Paul's career is focused on sending external traffic to Amazon. It started with his previous software and launch service through Chatbots, which did well. During that time, Paul's set-up was to send a lot of traffic to Amazon from Messenger. He then updated the process by sending the user a link that led them to Pinterest and then to Amazon. Amazon recognized this traffic and, in turn, ranked the brand well. This incredible strategy cut launch costs by 30%.

Now, Paul brings that same magic in an updated form on TikTok and leverages it to boost Amazon sales. Let's dive into this marketing episode with Paul!

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